Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm loving life!!

So, work was a little crazy this week. Two of the big bosses had a meeting with a couple gals from United Way (they give us grant money) and both ended up crying by the end of the meeting. The staff still doesn't really know what's going on, but pray that things turn out fine. I got a call from a co-worker telling me about this and I was at Tim's house. I started crying because at that point, we thought the gals were from state and weren't sure if our program would still be running in a week or two. Tim and I just sat there. He held me while I cried and told me that it's in God's hands, which is SO true. It's just so comforting to hear it too.

Other than that, Tim has been spoiling me lately. :) He lit candles for me the other night. We were talking and he said, 'Your best feature is when you smile, your eyes light up." I smiled and made the joke, "It's probably just the candle light." Then he said, "Erin, it could be pitch black and you would light up any room." I melted of course. :) It's cheesy, but I love it. He tells me I'm beautiful all the time and what's great is I actually believe him. He looks me in the eye and I can tell he really means it. :) Being a girl who has struggled with confidence my entire life, it's nice to finally feel worth something and wanted. We spend a lot of time together now. He told me the other night that he wished we would've started dating sooner so we had more time. With school starting, we may or may not spend much time together, but we both feel and know that God had this timing just right and we have no doubts about that. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us. I've never been this happy before in my life!! :) :)

1 comment:

Cory and Kendi Knop said...

Where is the big picture???