Monday, December 8, 2008

Two Weeks Notice

So, today I gave my boss my two weeks notice...:( I was really sad and it was really hard for me to do. I LOVE my job and I love the people and the population I work for, but because of my back I physically cannot do my job duties. I was having a really hard time not being able to give 110%. It's unfortunate, but I needed to for my own health. She kind of knew it was coming because I haven't been the same the last couple of months. She knows me really well and could just tell that I wasn't as happy as I used to be at work. We talked for about an hour today about a lot of things. I told her where I'd be working next semester and that I wanted to stay in touch with the organization. She's putting me on the newsletter so I'll know when activities and events are happening. :) Anywho, we talked and she really feels that I have a heart for people in need, such as the disabled population that I work with now, and I totally agree with her. In the long hall, I do want to work in an independent facility for older adults because I feel that's where God may be leading me. But part of me will always want to work for the needy, so there's no telling where I'm headed in life. The only thing I know is that I want to work with the older population. The decision of where I end up is not up to me anyway. :) I know God has it all in control and I just have to be patient. As for next semester, I'll be the wait staff supervisor at the place I've been interning (which is an independent living adult facility). The head chef basically made up the position for me and wants me to be in charge of scheduling, covering shifts, and training the wait staff. I don't want to continue doing that after I graduate and she knows that, but it's a 20+ hour a week job that will help pay the bills. :) And it keeps my foot in the door at the location if something were to open up. So, I'm excited but very sad at the same time. I just need to say my goodbyes in the next couple of weeks. I'm very emotionally attached to all of them, but I will definitely be keeping in touch. :) Just pray that the transition goes well for me and for the participants.

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