Saturday, November 22, 2008

Visiting my Parents

I am finally on Thanksgiving break. I get the whole week off! :) I arrived at my parent's house this morning, just in time for the CSU vs. Wyo game...CSU won by the way!! We're keepin' the boot!

This week will be full of R and R and probably some homework here and there as well. Tim is coming down Monday night and staying through Wednesday morning. I'm super excited for him to spend time with my parents! I think they're going to love him and I think he will love them as well! :) I have a dentist appointment Tuesday as well and Tim and I are going to my old high school to visit a couple of my mentors. It'll be fun!

That's it for now! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice new look! If you want, I can show how to find others not on blogger. Love you!!