Saturday, November 8, 2008

This Week in Erin's World

Last weekend, Tim went with me to my scholarship banquet. It was nice to get dressed up and recognized. It was a long ceremony, but I had the privilege of meeting some important people.

This week definitely started out kind of...:(. I registered for classes the minute I was able to on the 30th, but the one class I have to have to graduate was full. There were 3 classes but only 1 fit my schedule. So, I emailed the professor and asked for an override. She had so many people request for an override that she declined my request. I started freaking out! I called Tim crying and worried that I was going to have to take my senior seminar online. The basic idea of this class is throughout the semester, you do a bunch of grant work and make a huge presentation in a group. If I had to that online, I think I would struggle big time. But by the grace of God, I was checking the website where I register every few minutes and 1 person had dropped out of the session that I needed and I quickly registered for it! So I have the schedule I want and need to graduate. :) I'm actually very excited for the Spring.

Tim and I have been together for 3 months this past week. That's pretty exciting. :) I finished putting my resume and cover letter together and I went to the career center on campus wanting someone to review it with me. The gal that looked over my cover letter and resume didn't really have a lot to critique. :) I was pretty psyched. She thought it was well put together and thought I had a lot of great qualities listed. I can't wait to submit my resume for my first real job. :)

My throat is feeling a little better. I finished all my medication, but I still can't sing. That's the hardest part about laryngitis. I think not singing is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do! And it's only been a week and a half!!! I have at least two weeks left! :( Oh well. A month of no singing versus a lifetime is a big difference. I'll suck it up so I don't permanately damage my vocal chords.

Today I cleaned my room, vacuumed, did laundry, watched football...the usual. Tomorrow will be fun. I have the kidos at church in the morning, the Packers and Vikings game is on at 11, and I am running to the ARC Thrift Store to donate a bunch of clothes I'm getting rid of. That's about it for now. :)

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