Friday, September 5, 2008

New Hair Cut

So, I cut off about 4 1/2-5 inches of my hair yesterday...I'm not used to it yet and am missing my long hair, but it'll grow out. These are my before and after pictures. Tim really likes my hair short, so that's good. :) I just needed a change, so I went for it. I'm posting these pics for Kendi. I think once it grows out a little more I'll like it a little better. It's just hair; it'll grow back. :)


Unknown said...

It does not need to grow at all!! It is so cute!!!

Mitzi said...

Hey Erin,
I am Mitzi Sims Oaks your cousin in Alabama. Your grandmother Ruth is my mothers sister(Janette).
I thought maybe we could talk to each other if we can keep up with our blogs. Your mother sent us your brothers blogspot and I have one too. Write me anytime. Enjoy my blog, I just started it. and by the way, your hair is really cute!

Mitzi said...

sorry, my blogspot is