Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Batman Movie

So, work yesterday went pretty well...Because of my foot brace deal-e-o I had the group that stayed inside most of the day. To be honest, it was nice because we had the AC all day. :) We made a display for our handmade jewelry and cards and took pictures of it for our work website. Then we made more jewelry and one other person helped me organize one of our cabinets. It was still clean today...we'll see how long that lasts. :) Anywho, after work, my roommate/co-worker and our boss went to Jason's deli where our other roommate met us there. We ate and just hung out. THEN we went to see 'The Dark Knight!' If you haven't seen it yet, DO IT!!!! It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. At one point in the movie (I won't tell which point in case you haven't seen it), I decided Batman might be a little cooler that Spider-man. I know those of you who know me and my love for Spider-man just got your breath blown away by that comment! The main point I am trying to get to, is go see that movie! It's fantastic! :) After that, the roomies and I came home, all enjoyed a Mike's Hard Lime and watched 30 minutes of 'Napoleon Dynamite' of my favorites, and then we all went to bed.

And now I will tell you about today. :) This morning was a great start. I was driving to work and I just started thinking about God's plan for me and how excited I am! I started smiling because I know he has a man that will sweep me off my feet and I'm stoked! (For those of you who don't know, I just got out of a pretty crappy relationship situation...basically, I deserve better...). God just gave me a little reminder this morning and I just smiled. :) It was a good start. After I got to work, because it was a record high today we decided to stay inside. So, we played games in the gym and then board games and cards later on. After lunch, we took some people to Wendy's to get Frosty's for everyone. :) Just before that, one of the older ladies fell and hit her head on the asphalt. We called 911. She's fine but we took the precautions to take care of her.

The best part of my day at work was one of the guys, P, always gets so excited to see me...EVERYDAY! I love it. Sometimes when I'm tired, I get aggravated but I truly do love his enthusiasm. Well, I'm not going to be at work tomorrow because of a class I have to take and today he kept saying, "Erin, I can't wait til Monday." I said, "Why Monday P?" "'Cause I get to see Erin!" I smiled. That's the best part of my job is the love these people have for all of us. Two others, L and C, gave me big hugs today. L kissed me on the cheek and C kisses my hand all the time. :) After what I've been through lately, having so much love come from those around me is so reassuring and it makes everyday worth all the heartache. (I even have P 'trained' to be a huge Green Bay Packers fan! :) :) :) :) :) My mission in life. He greets me every morning, "Erin, go Packers!!" "Packers are number 1!" "Brett Favre is the best!" I love it!)

After work, I went to the pool for a short period, read some of my book, called an old friend, worked out, made breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, did some laundry, and organized all my paperwork. I even practiced my guitar, plucked my eyebrows, and painted my toenails. :) All in all, today was a productive and pretty great day. :)

1 comment:

Derek said...

Erin, you have great faith. Stating you KNOW God is going to bring that man into your life shows how much you believe in your God. Keep it up.

And yes, Dark Knight is now one of my favorites. Is it weird that many of my favorite movies have Morgan Freeman in them?