Monday, July 28, 2008

Change of Pace

Okay. So I've been posting notes from church...but that's kinda boring sometimes. My sister-in-law, Kendi, has asked I write about my daily life. I think that's a great idea. And yes, I explain the weird picture of my toes...creepy!

So, I am going to tell you about the best job ever! I work at an adult day program and I work mostly with traumatic brain injury and handicapped individuals. Today, I got paid to go to a park for a picnic and then to the mall to window shop. :) While unloading the bus at the park, the lift came down on my foot and I think I broke at least one toe, if not two. It hurts like crap! You can't really tell in the pic but let me tell you...holy cow!

While at the mall, one of the participants, C (name disguised), went into Victoria's Secret and went straight to the panties! And C is a guy! But his favorite color is pink so I think he was drawn to that. :) He also went into one store because Shakira's "My Hips Don't Lie" came one and he started dancing to it! The BEST park of the day was when we went to the pet store and one of the workers brought out a puppy for us to all hold and pet. It was a peekanees (I have no idea how to spell it). He was kissin' on everyone and they all got super excited. :)

Last week my roommate and I (we work together) got inducted into the Red Hat Society as Ladies in Waiting. It was cute. I even have a certificate. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So your toes look freaking awesome!! I know they hurt but still cool. Love ya!